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Enrollment for the 2024-25 School Year is open for all families. Please contact us for more information.
Learning areas in the classroom include dramatic play, manipulatives, science, blocks, creative arts, music, puzzles, library, discovery table and computers in classrooms for 3 years olds and older.
Our program is dedicated to providing a quality program and a supportive ministry to parents in the community.
Join Our Team
Valley has staff positions available for the 24-25 preschool year. Learn more about our joining our team.
About Us
Interested in PreSchool enrollment for 2024-25? Get Started
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Childhood is a unique and valuable stage in the human life cycle. Our paramount responsibility is to provide care and education in settings that are safe, healthy, nurturing and responsive to each child. We are committed to supporting children’s development and learning; respecting individual differences; and helping children lean to live, play, and work cooperatively. We are also committed to promoting children’s self-awareness, competence, self-worth, resiliency, and physical well-being.
Our Pre-School. Our Family. Our Community
The goals of Valley Baptist Preschool are to provide:
Quality program that implements developmentally appropriate activities to meet the needs of the preschooler at their own level.
Curriculum where teachers plan activities to meet the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the children in a safe, loving Christian environment.
Supportive ministry to the parents and families.
Learning environment where the staff is provided support in their teaching as well as opportunities for professional growth.

Children will explore literacy concepts that expand their ability to comprehend and communicate through reading and writing by naming and rhyming alphabet letters, hearing sounds in words, recognizing and writing their own names, using new vocabulary words in their conversations, and listening to stories.
Integrating math and science concepts in everyday activities enhances cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development, and thus their overall growth. Skills and concepts that children learn while they are young will expand as they gain experience and knowledge over time.
Children learn the fundamentals of art — color, line, shape, form, and texture — by painting and drawing, making collages, fashioning three-dimensional objects out of clay, and talking about their work. Creating and looking at art has a positive influence on many different areas of your child’s intellectual, emotional, and social development.
Critical Thinking
Children are provided with opportunities to try new things and see the resulting reactions in a safe and inclusive environment that facilitates learning. Through these practical experiences of play with a purpose, children gain the integral foundations for critical thinking skills such as comparing and contrasting, drawing conclusions, and understanding the perspectives of others.

What is Valley Baptist Preschool's Teaching/Learning Philosophy and Curriculum?
Valley Baptist Preschool currently uses the Maryland State Department of Education approved Creative Curriculum as a basis for planning developmentally appropriate activities and skills through hands-on discovery and active involvement. In addition, we use a biblically based curriculum to guide your child in their spiritual growth. This early childhood curriculum allows children to grow and develop as Jesus did – in “wisdom and stature” and in “favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Our teachers incorporate these Christian concepts naturally into their lesson planning and curriculum areas.
The curriculum includes experiences with language, literature, mathematics, science, social studies, creative arts, fine and gross motor activities. Throughout the preschool day the teachers encourage each child in the areas of personal, social and emotional growth.
Our goal is to guide each child as they develop confidence and grow towards independence. Lessons are planned for each child to learn problem solving, decision making and conflict resolution skills. We provide a language rich age appropriate educational environment where children learn the tools and skills needed to reach their greatest potential.
We want to ensure our students and teachers have access to tools and resources that are reflective of the growing world around us. That is why we are currently exploring the integration of the Orange Curriculum- a whole child approach to education – one where children develop not only math and literacy skills but also the social-emotional, physical, and cognitive skills necessary to communicate, think both critically and creatively, and solve complex problems – is developmentally appropriate and better prepares children for life well beyond their time in a classroom.
What is your student to teacher ratio?
Our student to teacher ratio in each classroom is dependent on the age group. For our One’s- 1 teacher for every 3 children, Twos- 1 teacher for every 6 children, and Three’s and Four’s- 1 teacher for every 10 children.
These numbers may be impacted due to Covid-19 regulations. For more information please contact our office at 410-321-6266.
What is your Discipline Policy?
We believe that each child is a unique gift from God and it is our philosophy to nurture the child’s problem solving techniques, social skills, and self-control through positive reinforcement and encouragement. The teachers and staff will help the children learn these skills through age appropriate guidance and careful classroom management.
The teachers and staff will establish consistent and fair expectations for classroom behavior with the children. Redirection to more appropriate activities, direct or indirect praise, teaching by example or logical consequences as well as supervision strategies are implemented. When necessary, time for reflection, calming down and regaining control may be used. The teachers and staff will model polite language to foster empathy in children and help the children develop language skills to express their feelings and frustrations.
Valley Baptist Preschool teachers and staff work to provide a safe environment for all the children. If for any reason, we cannot meet the needs of a child within the classroom setting, we will inform you and a conference may be requested. We will work with you to positively resolve the situation. We can offer resources and referrals. If the child’s behavior threatens his/her safety or the safety of others, Valley Baptist Preschool deserves the right to dismiss the child from the preschool. Valley Baptist Preschool will make every effort to avoid this situation.
What We Offer
Valley Baptist Preschool builds our teacher-created lessons from two different curricula for our students. First, we use the Creative Curriculum published by Teaching Strategies and we also provide a faith-based Christian curriculum, My First Look by Orange.
Each day the children learn foundational life skills, pre-reading, and pre-math concepts. Learning centers in the classroom include Dramatic play, Loose parts, Science, Blocks, Creative arts, Music, Library, and Technology. The children also have Gross Motor time in our full-sized gym or on the playground (weather permitting). Each month, the teachers contribute to a unit letter to keep parents informed on the studies planned for that month. They also send out a weekly message, using the Brightwheel App, to update the parents on what the kids learned and what to look forward to the following week.
In order to utilize the curriculum to meet the needs of each individual, student assessments occur in the winter and spring, using the state-approved Healthy Beginnings assessment program. Combining assessment results with parent input enables the teacher to develop a learning plan for the individual needs of your child.
Infant Program
Our goal is to give infants the skills that will serve as the building blocks for a lifetime of learning in a safe and nurturing “home away from home”
One's Program
Our goal is to give our One year olds the skills that will serve as the building blocks for a lifetime of learning in a safe and nurturing “home away from home”
Two's Program
Three's Program
Four's Program
Prekindergarten Program
What Our Families are Saying